Bring your tomorrow closer

After several months of preparation, the desire of one day taking the IELTS exam finally came; 24th November was the date chosen to take the test. I had to travel to Quito two days before the exam; I was anxious about the day of the test because, among other things, it would be my only chance to take it.

When I travelled to Quito, I thought about how much time I spent until acquiring the language; how many videos, recordings, posts, and podcasts did I consume all this time? Hundreds of hours, some without the idea that someday my efforts will be worth its costs.

I decided to stop studying while I was and stayed in Quito; there, a good friend gave me a stay in a flat for two days while I was there. Time was clocking, and I started to feel the pressure. Will I obtain the necessary to get a good score? Overthinking was the other side of the coin. However, I decided to rest early the night previous to the test.

When the day finally came, I felt comfortable and slept well. That day I woke up early to prepare my breakfast, took a shower and went to the test centre on foot. I had to arrive before 10 am. When I finally arrived, at least eight people were waiting for the test.

After brief indications, the exam began with the listening part; as I had expected, there were parts which I knew I must be cautious about, I had some silly errors, but at the end of the exam, the listening part was one of the most manageable parts of it.

Undoubtedly, the reading test was the toughest; the first part was a preparative to the rest of the test, a mix of easy and complex questions, the second and third parts were tricky, and the time was something I had to have in mind. The high brightness of the screen made it difficult to read large passages without feeling exhausted.

The writing test was my strong point; I had enough preparation to write fluently and coherently. The only aspect was that the keyboard was in a Spanish distribution. This time, I musted to type without the help of a grammar editor or the spelling highlighter.

After almost three hours, the time seemed to have passed quickly, but I was exhausted; I had made my best effort. There were errors I had to be better focused on, but overall I went out with the satisfaction of having it done.

After a few hours of resting, at 4 pm, I had to take the last part of the test, the speaking part; I was a little nervous because I felt I didn't prepare enough for that part. When I arrived, I had to enter a closed room, inside a mid-age British woman was waiting; the following twenty minutes of speaking were swift; I was surprised at myself; I answered all the questions fluently and with coherence; there were parts which I musted to think before answering it. But overall, I did it well.

After the test, I went out with my friend to visit some of the food locals near, I was more relaxed after the exam, and at night I had to go to the bus station to return to my hometown.



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