Where to Find Inspiration πŸ’«πŸ€ΈπŸ»‍♂️

It's time to talk about Inspiration. Where we can find it? Is it something casual? or simply comes with time? How to stay inspired despite problems and how to find it.

There are situations in which we feel focused, and with this little gleam of sapience, clarity arrives in our minds and makes us feels confident. Our brain starts to free dopamine, and certain regions associated with creativity begin to work.

But, in some cases, we feel exhausted, burned out, and fatigued. Our minds are full of thoughts and probably can't stay focused. Everyone can have a bad day, but when you feel regularly overwhelmed is time to reframe your goals and objectives.

Sometimes, Inspiration comes when you are at the bottom of your life, when appear to be no more options, and you have in some place with no way out. The creativity and survival instinct can impulse your life, and this is enough inspiration doses that you have been searching for.

On other occasions, you can feel inspired looking at the world and surrounded by people who are your model to follow. There is a good quote from Pablo Picasso; he said once, "Inspiration is real, but it has to find you working.".

If you are searching for an impulse that maintains you working hard, give a glance at where you are now, where you will go in the future, and where you were in the past. This little reminder will allow you don't lose your focus and maintain your way.

Avoid being impulsive and try not to search for fast stimulus and false acceptance in others. 



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