Three different paths 🛣️
I am the oldest of three siblings, and life's circumstances and destiny puts me on the road of the 2 fantastic women, my two sisters always have been very disciplined and constant about their goals, often putting aside other things to get their achieves.
Since we were younger, the three of us, have always been different from each other, I, for instance, have a preference for the maths and sports, and I have always been a methodic person, very pragmatic in some cases, in my elderly younger years I had to assume the role of man of the house, often putting other responsibilities aside and focus on the house. I am now an electronics and telecommunication engineer aspiring to get a master's studies abroad.
My next sister, the second, was always the quietest and most peaceful of the three, she always manage their time effectively, and balance their life very well, I think she was the most mature of the siblings, she had a preference for the books and languages and she was the most serious of the three, I never knew if she had a boyfriend in their younger ages, but now she is married and almost finish their medical career.
The youngest sister of the family, the most passionate about her studies, is often the angriest and most focused of the three, she was influent by my second sister, I think she (the second sibling) was a specie of maternal figure for she, always followed the example of her and since she started their medical career, both of them were confident sisters. Now, she is ending their career too.
As you can see, in this brief description of us, we have taken different paths in our lives, despite always being closer to each other and living in the same house for decades, the circumstances molded our perception of our lives, and constantly we were making different decisions and choosing different forms of living our lives.
Now, my youngest sister, me and my mom are the unique of we're living in our house, and I think that is not for much time, as fast the time goes on, our paths will be distanced more and more, but I like to think there is something more strong that maintain us united, the love we have each other beside the circumstances or the distance.
The memories we have together and the problems we had to face when we lived in our house, do us stronger and united, we'll never walk alone if we have each other.
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