The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 👩🏻🚀
In this blog, I am going to talk about one of my favorites movies of all time, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" filmed in 2013 relates to the life of a Life magazine worker: Walter Mitty, who has the task of sending the last photos of the cover of that magazine. Inside his mind, Walter is living all kinds of situations but in real life is a calm and shy person, something that psychologists called daydream maladaptation.
The protagonist is secretly in love with one of his office partners but he hasn't the courage to approach her and talk to her, Walter is constantly dreaming about how was his life if he would the things that he dreams. But, when the magazine announced the closing of its facilities and the decision to make its last printed edition, Walter is involved in many situations and takes action in his life and starts to make things instead of thinking about them.
At that moment, the main character of the movie realizes that life is often simplest than he thought, he had sorted out a lot of troubles with the help of strangers and put himself in situations that he never thought to live.
At the end of the movie, Walter discovers the true value of his life, realizes he stops daydreaming constantly, and finds their 5th essence (the photograph which would be the magazine's last cover).
The final message of the movie is to encourage ourselves to take conscience about our own lives and be the main protagonist of them, the continuously overthinking that we carry on for many years and the idealization of our lives and the lives of others often makes us feel unsatisfied about ourselves.
The movie has a message hidden - "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel" This is the purpose of life.
If you still don't see this movie yet, I recommend you a lot, and also it has a good soundtrack throughout the film.
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