My English improvement throughout months of conscient practice 💯🧑🏻‍💻🧭

Since I started to put my efforts and time to get a band 6 score in my future IELTS exam, I spent a lot of time and dedication to improving and developing techniques that allow me to get better results. I started with the idea that only a few people(mostly young and talented) are capable of achieving a good level of the language overall.

I started to review how much I had progressed in my English since I finished college, and realize that I had a little and almost no progress, so as the months went by, I realize that If I want to have better chances in the future I had to learn English once and for all.

The way was not easy to walk, there were a lot of troubles and impediments, added the lack of practice and sometimes, motivation and planning made me doubt if I'd want to continue with this learning. But, I figured out a lot of channels on Youtube and a lot of content on the internet that made me change of opinion.

I started to listen to several podcast shows, and many of them were very useful and interesting to give to my daily practice. I discovered some interesting lectures and blogs which sparked an interest in learning about science, climate change, nutrition, sports, and many other subjects that I had been losing all this time.

But, still had two things I had to improve, these were the speaking and writing, to activities that require a lot of practice and patience. Then, I created this blog, and with a lot of perseverance and dedication, and constantly learning about my faults I discovered that this activity I enjoyed doing it.

Now, the last stage in my self-learning of this language would be the speaking part, to do this, I was thinking about creating a channel on Youtube to watch my progress and improve it, or maybe starting to create a podcast or recordings about several things, as I been doing with this blog. 

There is no simple and fast way to learn something new, at least not from my point of view. But I believe with enough practice and dedication the results will come.



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