Financial Freedom πŸ’ΈπŸ’³ (All I had wished to know)

We were enlightened to accumulate a great amount of knowledge of distinct subjects; since the early stages of our lives, our teachers, parents and others teach us to memorize content, numbers, formulas, and theory in general; after passing an exam, forget it.

Year after year, we had to repeat the same process; even in college, we were educated to learn useless things and then never apply. Most subjects I attended in my career were never put into practice, and neither did some that appeared important.

Nonetheless, nobody seemed to be concerned about this fact. As much in high school and college, we didn't receive economic classes or financial workshops about managing money and how to invest or calculate our taxes. As a result, many of us are now with obsolete knowledge and completely misinformed about finances and the economy.

Regardless, I know some self-educated people in managing money, investing, cryptocurrencies and forex exchanges (I will write of this last in some future blog!). They have a lot of understanding about these topics and the wisdom to put them into practice.

Nowadays, I'd have wanted to have the knowledge and have a complete panorama of my financial status and know about investments.


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