5 years of running and all I have learned
Once a day in my life, I was afforded several problems with myself, stress caused by the university and family, anxiety, and in some way, I was feeling very depressed.
A few months before that I was surgery on one of my knees, so the doctor recommended I should go out to run, and that thus when I started to run regularly. At the start, I felt nothing but exhausting, It was really painful and in some ways, it drained me so much time.
But day after day, I realized that I felt better, my mind and body were starting to change and I noticed that after months of consistency and self-discipline I got to run over 7 miles.
Running gives me a different perspective of my problems, on some occasions, I was submerged in my own thoughts, and at some point running made me feel more relaxed and conscient with a clean mind.
Suddenly my problems seemed to disappear for a while, I was only myself and the road. Some days, there weren't perfect at all, there were days witch the weather was horrible and somedays that I didn't have the motivation to move and go out to run.
Then after six months, my body changed drastically, as much as my mind, since then I was running regularly, or at least 2 or 3 times a week. But, when I started to work I left it, and again I started to feel anxious and stressed, I remembered that gold days in which I run for 2 hours and then I walked to my college all of this at the same time (it was terrific). After all, I promised myself to I will come back someday.
So the last month I was running like my old days, and I started to feel the same sensation when I was running years before. Contemplating the landscape and for a while forgot it all. That is the best part of this sport. The best days of my week are when I scape out of my routine and finally, I run.
Like an adage says: Running heal you. I'm totally convinced of this.
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