How can I manage (effectively) my time?


When the new year has started, I decided to be more pragmatic and more organized about myself, yes this includes my time too. But now, how can I start to optimize my time and try to reduce fatigue?

I try to start my day, usually, at 7or 7:30 in the morning, my sister and mom wake up, and breakfast is already served. I eat some of the pieces of fruits, with some coffee and milk or yogurt, added some cooked eggs. Then, when all of us we've eaten I go to my car and drive towards my mom's work. 

I always have the same route, go to Occidental Avenue and continue to drive around 4 o 5 kilometers in that direction. I finish this route is approximately 5 o 7 minutes (depending on the traffic, obviously). Then when I finally finish this trip, I clean my backyard and feed my dogs. then, I wash the dishes and prepare my bag to go to the gym, mostly I try to go to the gym at 9 or 9:30 am. I finish doing my exercises along with the 11 am. Eventually, I try to train as fast as I can, because I have to return to my home and continue to do my home tasks. I try to help my sister with the cooking tasks, then when the clock marks 12:55 am I go to my mom's work again. I'm there at 1:05 pm following the same route in the morning. When we finally arrived the dishes are served or the lunch is already prepared.

When we finished our lunch usually washes our dishes and cutlery. At 2:30 pm I go with my mom to their work, after that, I can start my afternoon, usually, I spent 1 hour in a search of a job, reviewing my mail and procrastinating in my Instagram feed, then I usually listen to some podcast in English or read some article or visit a web page for practice my reading skills.

I pretend that my day is the most order as possible, but I have to understand that is sometimes turning a little chaotic in some ways. But at least I will do my best effort to be the most consistent as I can.

If I can reach manage my time and manage my time and energy to do all my activities without struggling with myself and my family I got the most of my tasks and goals this year, or at least that's what I want.  



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