My dream job 🏢🖥️
While studying for my career, I never thought about what I would do after finishing my engineering degree because I thought all my doubts would be solved over the years. My only job experience before graduating was in 2011 when my uncle allowed me to work for a month in his jewellery store when I was 16.
Far from reality, I thought all jobs were good and that with enough experience, I would reach financial and personal stability; once I graduated, I could see the reality, the ferocity world oversaturated with professionals, accepting any job offer no matter how ridiculous or precariat it was.
After months of searching for reasonable offers, I panicked too; I was searching for whatever option to make money, even with low salaries or accepting training months without salary compensation. Four years after, history repeated.
However, now I have a more clear outlook on I want to work; the office routine is something that is not with me; the long hours sitting and the busy schedules, added to the poorly salaries and the job environment, make me wonder If someday I will like to come back to stay there again.
With this background, I would like to write a personal description of my dream job:
- Flexible hours schedule.
- Good life-job balance and healthy environment.
- Adequate salaries.
- Delimited responsibilities; precise tasks for determined positions.
- Scalability and job stability.
- Good Feedback and constant training.
Perhaps I am idealizing the concept of a good job. However, it is a good idea to think about what kind of job I want to dedicate my time and effort to and whether or not it is another shitty job.
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