Memento mori

Despite the current situation that faces my home country, I have decided to delay a blog writing about that (it is hard to explain without falling into fanaticism, I have to admit it). 

Changing of theme, these days I was asking myself about life, I had many thoughts about how faster years pass and how these were changing us, Recently I was reading and listening to how can manage our time, how can I improve the time that I have; and making that I found a quote that said "memento mori" translated in English as "remember you will die".

Are we living the lives we want to live? Or simply, we are automats leaving to pass the time and postpone our dreams. Do you enjoy the things you do? Our time here is limited, and sometimes we don't realize them.

I was often completely obsessed with do the best in each aspect of my life; I couldn't even enjoy things I loved before; my mind was always overwhelmed by thousands of these thoughts. I couldn't carry this anymore.

In the end, our time here is limited, and each day we spend on non-sense things we are wasting our time, we are here for a best purpose that only being successful, think about it, and try to find it.



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