Inhale, Exhale

Everybody we have in uncomfortable events that makes us feel angry or in a sudden explosion of irrational mad; often, our family or friends puts us in a disgusting situation that drives our darkest thoughts.

Reprising anger is not the best decision you can make when managing this feeling, but sometimes it is necessary to avoid hurting someone. Usually, when you are irritated, you can't realize the expression of words you use to express your sentiments.

When we are in our teen or young adult years, we can't manage these feelings; instead of working correctly, we lose focus and burst into anger. I learned through the years to avoid conflicts, redirect my thoughts, and let them vanish.

Breathing techniques are the best exercise when you are trying to put into calm or be more conscient about your feelings; it only takes a few minutes to realize your breath and try to calmly.

It's completely normal to have feelings of anger, frustration or disgust in our daily lives. Please don't feel guilty about these sentiments; instead, try to understand why you felt this and how can you manage it.

Inhale, exhale, repeat. 



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