The D-day has come πŸ‘ΎπŸ“œπŸ–‡️


Finally, and after months of waiting and redacting, the application day has come to its end, Today (May 17th) I sent my application form via mail to the Embassy of Japan in Ecuador. This has been a long way but full of learnings, I compare this new application with the last year, and I have learned a lot since the last time I applied.

I decided to send this anticipated, (despite the last day of sending this would be May 27th), because I redacted all the documents within several weeks of anticipation and only waiting for the last self-review. I don't know whether I passed the first scanning or not, but this time I am better prepared than the last time, I improved a lot in my redaction, the correct form of my present my ideas, and how to highlight to the rest of the participants (or at least I think I tried to).

The only thing I omitted was to take the English certification, unhopefully almost all of this month was reserved and the vacant for other exams were in June. So, I hope this doesn't affect my overall application. I will cross my fingers 🀞🏻...

Whatever pass, I decided to take the exam first weeks or mildly of June, it will be a strong spend, but it will be worth its cost.

So I expect to receive news about my application in the last days of June, and whether pass or not. I will be writing here.

Wish me luck! ✌πŸ»πŸ€



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