Easy come, easy go πŸ’ΈπŸ’°

In the early days of this month, we had the news about the collapse of a financial platform, which actually resulted to be a Ponzi scheme. Nearly 9 of each 10 people of my home town invested their money in this platform, many of them doing lends to deposit then in that pyramid.

As a result of this, many people resulted tricked, and see their money goes away, the capacity of the people to be overly pretentious reliant, and ambitious was the detonator and key factor to giving a chance to these swindlers. Now, the main suspect and chairman behind this swindler escaped from the country to an unknown destiny. The authorities warned about this way to trick the people and how they operate, but the avarice was superior and they neglected all of these suggestions and warnings.

It estimates that approximately 80 million dollars were circulated on this platform, people of all ages were depositing their saves on this. In my family circle, I had 7 members who trusted on this platform, I calculated that the total of this "invest" was higher or reached ten thousand dollars.

A similar event happened in the middle of the last year when a man offered high profits and profitability in exchange for depositing money on his platform. As a result, many people, similarly to this new case, trust the words of a swindler and they lost all their money.

The necessity of financial education and common sense is the basis to don't drop in these tricks of false promises of the growth economy given for a false guru, often these guys appear, but it is necessary to recognize and stay alert to this.

I hope that all the people who deposited and lose their money have learned the lesson. Easy money never exists, there is always a high price to pay.



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