Almost one year since a left my job, this is what I have learned .🧑🏻‍💻🖱️😵


Well, as the headline says, passed one year exactly since I left my last job (I was a part of the staff of medical equipment at one hospital), there were a lot of things that happened to me when I gave my resignation letter. I was conscient that this act could give me several consequences.

One of the first lessons that I learned about staying without a job, is that the fact is extremely difficult to get a job at this time, the lack of opportunities combined with an economic crisis that the pandemic left us added to the fragile economy that afront my country and the world, was the worst scenario to get out of a job. That brings me a lot of problems and changed my way of thinking about the working market. Often the offer passes the demand.

Second, to be economically independent would be extremely hard, well all the Millenials in a certain way will have to afford this reality. Still, we depend on our parents, although we pretend to be more mature than we are feeling, we still don't have the resources to be independent at all.

One lesson that I've learned throughout this time, is the family always will be with you despite your failures and defeats, they always will be with you, in the good and bad. So, take time to be grateful to them, and blessed them.

And as the bottom line, the time that you spend or invest in yourself, will determine your success or failure, try to learn different things, that give you new perspectives of what you want in the future, be constant in the things that you believe, and try to be disciplined when you try to learn something new. Try to take advantage of this time that you have and exploit it.



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