
Showing posts from February, 2023

Haircuts and other disappointments ✂️💈💇🏻

I have been lost these days, partly because of the hype of the carnival holidays (By the way, I didn't go anywhere) and many other tasks that I will write furthermore. Letting clear this,  I'm going to write about haircuts and the peculiarity obstination of worsening my relationship with hairstylists. Since I remember, I had always hated the days when my parents brought me to the stylist; I only wished to leave that noisy and messy places. The stylists, mostly mid-age women, frequently cut my hair with a barber machine, making my hair so tiny that I remember seeing my scalp. My parents attempted to prove different hairstylists and haircuts; even my mom tested her abilities with the barber machine and scissors with me, with deplorable results. Always that my hair was cut, I felt insecure until it grew again. When I reached adolescence, I could finally decide what style I wanted to follow. My hair was constantly a problem in high school; teachers and inspectors were against certa...

His First Month 🐣

This last week, my little nephew turned his first month of birth. Since he came to this world, he has completely changed our lives for the good. My family, especially my mom, has spent more time with him; she has been helping my sister in her care during this challenging first month. The time we spent with him feels healing and full of tenderness. We used to joke about which relatives seemed to be more like him. Sometimes we say he seems to be her father, but I see both parents in his face. To see him grow will be one of the best gifts that my family will have; I was wondering if he remembered all the things that will pass around him. How many antics will you do? And laughs, we'll have to remember your childhood. Little prince, having you has been a blessing. This first month has been incredible.  Your uncle. ~S.

Election Day ❎🗳️☑️

Today is election day, and with the change of authorities and administration, every 4 years, the city must choose its new mayor. Nowadays, the city is diving into a deep socio-economic and environmental crisis ever seen in the last ten years. The population is divided partly because the necessities of the downtown sector vary from the city's outskirts. Exists 15 candidates exist for nearly 300 000 people; for a small town like this, this is a vast amount of candidates for the town hall. However, three candidates dispute the first places in the race for winning the elections, and all of them differ in their opinions and work plans. The citizens have to meditate on their vote before choosing their representative. The future of this city is at stake; the results will show the destiny not only for the next four years but the destiny of all of us; this may be a complete milestone for the town.  Despite the spam of advertisements, statements, and debates, the misinformation has reigned t...